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C G D till on that cross where Jesus died, G C G D the wrath of God was satisfied. Please Subscribe, like and share, hit the notification bell to always be updated with latest videos. Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). Verse 2 C G C D In Christ alone, who took on flesh G C D G fullness of God in helpless babe C G C D This gift of love and righteousness, G C D G scorned by the ones he came to save.
Get the embed code Keith and Kristyn Getty - In Christ Alone Album Lyrics1.Across the Lands Lyrics2.In Christ Alone Lyrics3.There Is a Higher Throne Lyrics4.Hear the Call of the Kingdom Lyrics5.Beneath the Cross Lyrics6.Speak, O Lord LyricsKeith and Kristyn Getty Lyrics provided by Here in the death of Christ I live There in the ground His body lay.